In the past, LSD was then made into tablets (microdots), simply dissolved in water or other liquids to be dropped or made into gelatin squares (windowpanes). It's rare to see LSD in these forms today, however. Instead, it's usually dissolved in ethanol. Sheets of blotting paper are th...
LSD, also sometimes known as acid or Electric Kool-Aid, was the drug of choice for hippies. What made LSD so popular and what are acid trips like?
Mood-altering drugs often go in and out of favor. In the 1960s, psychedelic drugs were all the rage, as the counterculture glorified the use ofmarijuanaandLSDas part of rebellion against mainstream norms. But by the end of the 1970s, cocaine was the popular drug — so popular and so ch...
In the 1990s, backwoods trailer meth production was the stuff of everyday headlines: Amateur chemist gets careless with his concoction, and boom! His homemade lab — and often, his life — goes up in spectacular flames. Nowadays, those kinds of explosive news stories are a rarity, but not...
was traditional use by native peoples from Ancient Greece to India. They were made illegal after the second wave in the 1960s, as parents panicked about tripping teenagers. Now, in the third wave, he believes that microdosers can undo the damage done by the baby boomers and make LSD legal...
If you would be satisfied, but you feel the grade you received on your dream-exam was unfounded or incorrect, your dream might be suggesting your feelings of doubted or denied recognition for something you've accomplished. REM Sleep Most dreams occur during REM sleep. REM refers to the rapid...
The overarching idea of this music video is to explore "unlikely friendship or love in different shapes and forms and sizes", by means of visual elements that "matches the imagination and energy of the music". It was inspired by psychedelic classics and presented by miniature sets and green ...
But because Ikeda's study on taste was not translated into English until 2002 and because the taste of glutamic acid is subtle and less common in Western food, umami has only recently entered the taste canon. Now that the gate is open, however, it's unlikely that scientists will ever be...
In the past, LSD was then made into tablets (microdots), simply dissolved in water or other liquids to be dropped or made into gelatin squares (windowpanes). It's rare to see LSD in these forms today, however. Instead, it's usually dissolved in ethanol. Sheets of blotting paper are ...
While the hippies werecolonising Golden Gate Park in the 1960s,Jim Fadimanwas among a small group of researchers already looking at how LSD could help people become more productive. Today he is revelling in his niche becoming more mainstream. This April, he spoke to an audience of 600 at a...