Thor's fourth solo movie is set in October 2025. We know this as he tells former flame Jane Foster that it's been over eight years since they split up. Meanwhile, in 2017's Ragnarok, he tells Loki that the pair recently and mutually broke up. Add eight years to 2017 and you get ...
carved Germany into two zones of influence that would become two separate countries, respectively: the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) and the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). Located deep within Soviet-controlled East Germany, the capital city of Berlin was also split in two...
European studies How the lack of nation building split Europe and caused World War One CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITYDOMINGUEZ HILLS R. Iset Anmuakan FlanaganMark SamuelThis study investigates the causes for the lack of nation building in Eastern Europe from the partitions of Poland in the late ...
Calif., in 1940, selling barbecued meat sandwiches and french fries for 35 cents. After World War II the brothers revamped their menu, choosing to focus on the hamburgers and cheeseburgers that had become their bestsellers. The winking, running chef from McDonald's 1948 logo was intended...
Your goal should be always to be casting something, even during split-second movements or adjustments in your position midfight. Any little "hole" should be filled withSteady Shots, instead of being left empty. Be aggressive in how you press your buttons — if your hand is ever relaxing mid...
‘bought’ by the candidate with the biggest budget, and parties that are critical of business are quickly marginalised. In some countries, such as Germany, corporate funding is quite sensibly prohibited by law. Until this also occurs in the UK, ethical consumers can refuse to buy from brands...
Ponzi (1882- 1949) hatched his scheme in Boston in the days after World War One, his gimmick was the “International Reply Coupon”, a way of pre-paying foreign postage. Because of a currency exchange quirk, Ponzi's Coupon—bought at a low price overseas—could be cashed in for a highe...
Then came that August afternoon in West Germany. Sedykh barely celebrated when the scoreboard at Neckar Stadium flashed "86.74." He hopped up once, calmly accepted a handshake from a Swedish thrower, then waved a clenched fist at the crowd. That was it. At the rate he and Litvinov were ...
Aldi’s obsession with frugality comes from its early owners:brothers Theo and Karl Albrecht, who took over the family grocery business in Essen, Germany after World War II. Out of necessity, early stores initially stocked only a handful of items, but the brothers planned to expand the selecti...
This strategy involves taking out two loans—one for 80% of the home's purchase price, the other for as much of the remainder as possible. Prior to the subprime mortgage crisis, an 80%/20% split was quite common. In today's tougher climate, the max might be an 80%-15%-5% plan, ...