U professor watched as Germany reunified; Cultural anthropologist Daphne Berdahl studied how common people coped as two countries became one.(NEWS)(Obituary)Cohen, Ben
there were many tensions early on and once the common threat of Germany and Japan were removed, it was only a matter of time for the shaky relationship to fall apart. Here are some possible factors that contributed to the Cold War:
After reunification, family-related policies largely converged in the two Germanies. Against this background, we empirically investigate gender-role attitudes in reunified Germany. Our results show that East Germans are significantly more likely to hold egalitarian or nontraditional sex-role attitudes than...
(2010), `From Politics to the Family: How Sex-Role Atti- tudes Keep on Diverging in Reunified Germany', CESifo Working Paper Series 2957, CE- Sifo Group Munich.Bauernschuster, S. and Rainer, H. (2011). From politics to the family: How sex-role attitudes keep on diverging in reunified...