Eradicate the cloppers. Stop jacking off to technicolor cartoon horses, you weirdos. And for the love of all humanity, eradicate all the creepy bronies and pegasisters in general. Make them stop sending death threats to people who dislike My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Get rid of all...
Vampires also personify the dark side of humanity. Lilith, Lamastu and the other early vampire demonesses are the opposite of the "good wife and mother." Instead of caring for children and honoring a husband, they destroy babies and seduce men. Similarly, undead vampires feed on their family...
Some use the term to describe any authoritarian person or government, especially one that rules by violent means. But authoritarianism is only part of the philosophy.Communismunder Joseph Stalin was authoritarian and extraordinarily violent, but fascism, with its distinction between classes, stands in ...
According to what we have said, we can say that internet is great welfare for the whole humanity, however, it has some drawbacks. Because of Intrnet human being relations are standardized.we also notice an emergence of one culture around the world. For instance, many teenagers like to behave...
Sometimes in complex sunspot groups, abrupt, violent explosions from the sun occur. These are called solar flares. They are thought to be caused by sudden magnetic field changes in areas where the sun's magnetic field is concentrated. They're accompanied by the release of gas, electrons, visib...
The Unscrupulous Hero lives in a world where morality is made up of varying shades of gray, with their gray being slightly lighter than that of the villain's. Often they live in a really crappy setting, which accounts for their distrust of humanity and penchant towards violence. They're big...
Values are the trans-situational goals guiding human attitudes and behavior (Schwartz, 1992). As early socialization agents, teachers have a responsibility
I think Cruella is evil, because she's the devil. But all the other characters, I was able to find a common humanity with them somewhere, knowing where they're most fragile, where they're most vulnerable, knowing some of the things that happened to them that might have formed this kind...
On the streets of Buenos Aires, African and European traditions blended into a sexy—and shocking—new dance that eventually became a national treasure.
Sometimes in complex sunspot groups, abrupt, violent explosions from the sun occur. These are called solar flares. They are thought to be caused by sudden magnetic field changes in areas where the sun's magnetic field is concentrated. They're accompanied by the release of gas, electrons, visib...