This isn't new, of course. Vicarious racial trauma has a long history in the lives of African Americans. During slavery, Black individuals were often forced to be present as acts of brutality were inflicted on their own people. But for a Black person in today's America, simply turning on...
Living with trauma can be a heavy burden that weighs us down in every aspect of our lives. When trauma goes unaddressed, it can fester and eventually manifest in our relationships. Whether it’s with a romantic partner, family member, or friend, the impact of trauma on relationships can be...
Because of how each of our three brains processes trauma, these experiences can make it so they don’t work in unison. For instance, our neocortex might tell us that we are safe, but our emotions and our body will tell us that we are not. If one part of your brain is more dominant...
TraumaMental health symptoms tend to correlate with one another within individuals. An exploratory factor analysis was performed on responses to five questionnaires related to depression, anxiety, trauma and perceived stress to determine which items related most highly to a common underlying construct in...
Here's a look at what trauma bonding is, how it impacts relationships, and how people can break free of unhealthy dynamics.
How Trauma Impacts Telomeres When clients experience trauma, it can impact every part of the mind and body – including telomeres. As you know, our genes influence everything from our metabolism to what we look like. But each chromosome has a little structure,a telomere, helping it out. ...
Chronic pain is a condition with immense emotional impacts and one that can be brutal for its sufferers—affecting quality of life, mood, relationships, and work. Its psychological effects are well-documented. In a recent study by UCLA Health and the US Veterans Affairs Office and publishe...
Racial trauma, or race-based traumatic stress, refers to "any kind of a mental or emotional injury that can be caused by encounters with racial bias, ethnic discrimination, racism and hate crimes," Wizdom Powell, director of the University of Connecticut's Health Disparities Institute, tellsCNBC...
Trauma dumping can be hazardous to your friendships and mental health. Yes. The last months have been stressful and a lot of us have pent-up emotions that we’d like to air. That’s no excuse for unloading negativity onto the unsuspecting. Don’t kid yourself that trauma dumping is the ...
Trauma-informed Care and the Research Literature: How Can the Mental Health Nurse Take the Lead to Support Women Who Have Survived Sexual Assault? Many women who access mental health services have been subjected to violent acts, including childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual assault, often at ...