AWS cloud practitioner certificationexam is a recent addition in the list and it is an entry level certification. The one who possess skills and knowledge that can reveal the complete sagacity of AWS cloud, must take up this exam. This certification enables one to acknowledge the AWS cloud conc...
Without skilled talent, it’s tough to fully utilize the services that vendors like AWS have to offer, let alone innovate and advance. “Organizations need individuals with cloud skills to help transform their business, and there is a growing demand for IT professionals with...
AWS Partner-NYS Cloud VC-PE CEO: MIT-Princeton AI Faculty-SME: New York State: 'Join Dr. Yogi Malhotra to get up to speed on Cloud Technology.' Dr. Yogesh Malhotra 'Yogi': MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab Faculty-SME, Princeton Operatio
When considering Spot Instances, it is helpful to compare how they work across different cloud providers. AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Azure each offer similar services but with unique features and pricing models. Here’s a comparison to help you choose the best option for your needs...
Netflix gets its AWS billing data through the AWS Cost and Usage Report, like everyone else. You might know that the data can be tough to derive meaningful business insights from whether you consume it via S3 or CSV. It is even more challenging for decision-makers who are not data scienti...
Javascript is a tough language to master. Often, it is incredibly counterintuitive and annoying to deal with. To alleviate the world’s front-end developer’s pains, John Resig built the jQuery library. jQuery does things in a line where vanilla Javascript would have required a dozen. To ...