When it comes to Linux, one of its most mainstream implementations is Ubuntu. Here's everything you need to know. How to zip and unzip files on Ubuntu using the command line There's no need to be afraid of the terminal The best and easiest way to do anything in Linux is with the t...
To installzipandunzipon Ubuntu, Run: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install zip unzip Zipping Files and Folders with zip The following syntax creates a zip archive in Ubuntu terminal: zip archive_name.zip file1 file2 file3 AS you can see we can archive and compress one or more files ...
For example, in the directory, where you have azipfile namedmy-archive.zip, to unzip it, the command would be: unzipmy-archive.zipCode language:CSS(css) Just likezip,unziphas a-q(quiet) option so that you do not need to see the file listing as the files are extracted. unzip-qmy-ar...
If you are using a Linux Desktop, You can use the GUI to unzip zip files. But remember, Still you have to install unzip package. To unzip a zip file From GUI, Right click on the zip file and click “Extract Here”. Summary - How to Extract Zip file in Linux using unzip command ...
Steps of how to unzip a file in Linux: 1. Open terminal window 2. Run unzip filename.zip command 3. Files extracted in current directory. 4. Use unzip options.
How to zip and unzip a folder from a GUI If you open the GNOME file manager (this feature is found in most Linux file managers) and right-click a file you want to be zipped, you'll see a Compress entry (Figure 1). Figure 1:The GNOME Files right-click context menu includes the Co...
This chapter is a guide to the Unix commands and utilities that will be referenced throughout this book. This is preliminary material, and you may already know ...
Ubuntu Server 16.04 - 64 bit root privileges What we will do in this tutorial : Install the prerequisite packages. Installing nginx with ngx_pagespeed. Testing. Install the build dependencies sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev build-essential zlib1g-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev unzip ...
To work with ZIP files inLinux it is necessary to install some previous packages. To create the ZIP files you have to install the zip package and to decompress them you have to install the unzip package For Debian,Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and derivatives, it is necessary to execute this command...
The first phase involves preparing your Ubuntu system with the required build dependencies. These dependencies are vital for a successful Git compilation. To set these up, use the following command: sudoaptinstallmakelibssl-dev libghc-zlib-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettextunzip-y ...