To write a vector in Latex, we can use\vecfunction $\vec{AB}=0_E$ \[\vec{AB} = 0_E\] or\overrightarrowfunction $\overrightarrow{AB}=0_E$ \[\overrightarrow{AB} = 0_E\] Note: as {Keyboard warrior} said in the comments\overrightarrowfunction looks more like the vec...
The dot product represents the value of a force vector acting in the direction of the specific motion vector. It is also known as the “scalar product”, which states that the resulting result is a scalar, not a vector. LaTeX also supports the dot product symbol as it plays an essential ...
Here is an exemple: \begin{algorithm}\caption{Calculate$y=x^n$}\begin{algorithmic}\REQUIRE$n\geq0\veex\neq0$\ENSURE$y=x^n$\STATE$y\leftarrow1$\IF{$n <0$}\STATE$X\leftarrow1/x$\STATE$N\leftarrow-n$\ELSE\STATE$X\leftarrowx$\STATE$N\leftarro...
In summary, you can use \vec{stuff} to denote vectors, but you may want to use \bar{X} or \overline{X} to make them more visible. May 17, 2012 #1 solarblast 152 2 How do I write X bar with the bar over it to denote a vector? I discovered that if I comp...
There's no end to what can be drawn with vector graphics, and their value in allowing for scalable, easily editable diagrams and pictures is a boon to LaTeX users looking for an easy way to use graphics. This post is scratching the surface of what is possible, but should be a good int...
I spend a considerable time of my working hours with data processing where I often use the %in% R function as x %in% y. Whenever I need the negation of that, I used to write !(x %in% y). Not much of a hassle, but still, wouldn’t it be nicer to have x %n
Latex how to write underscore Latex how to write underscore To write underscore symbole in LateX, you must use backslash to protect it like follows $$\_$$$a\_b$$$a\_b\_c$$ which gives \[\_\] \[a\_b\] \[a\_b\_c\]
How to Learn AI From Scratch in 2025: A Complete Guide From the Experts Find out everything you need to know about learning AI in 2025, from tips to get you started, helpful resources, and insights from industry experts. Updated Nov 21, 2024 · 20 min read ...
How to Learn AI From Scratch in 2025: A Complete Guide From the Experts Find out everything you need to know about learning AI in 2025, from tips to get you started, helpful resources, and insights from industry experts. Updated Nov 21, 2024 · 20 min read ...
If you’re a Gutenberg user, there’s no need to enable this feature for Markdown support. If you’re still using the classic editor, enabling this option will let you write in Markdown. LaTeX Support –LaTeX is a markup language for writing equations and other mathematical texts. This ...