Command line processor, to give access to command line arguments UVM 1.2 was released in June 2014 and has completed a period of public review. UVM 1.2 is somewhat controversial in that the experts disagree as to whether some of the new features introduced in UVM 1.2 represent a step forward...
The host interface model enables you to write and read from the memory-mapped locations on the target hardware over a JTAG cable by using the AXI Manager Write and AXI Manager Read blocks. To create a host interface model, follow these steps in the HDL Workflow Advisor tool. • In step...
In the fast-paced world of electronic design automation (EDA) software development, maintaining high code quality while adhering to tight deadlines is a significant challenge. Code coverage, an essential metric in software testing, measures the extent to which a software’s source code is executed ...
This is part of my coverage collection code: virtual task monitor_core0(uvm_phase phase); forever begin env_config_h.event_agent_config_h.axi_vip_core0.monitor.item_collected_port.get(coverage_transaction); . . . foreach(coverage_transaction.data_beat_accepted_cycles[i]) begin data_beat_a... Contents SomeTKDEandICDMstatistics Scientificwritingandpaperstructure Whattoknowandhowtowriteatop-qualitypaper Apromisingtopic Aconvincingcase In-depthanalysisofempiricalresults Themostimportantpart:theintroduction HowtopublishatICDMandTKDE ...