Discover the best practices for how to write a job description. Start attracting top talent and optimizing your hiring process.
Whether you want to write a journal, a small paragraph, or a story – you can use 750 Words to develop the habit of writing. Write on Quora:Quora is the #1 platform where people ask questions. You can also start answering any question on almost any topic. You can write one answer eve...
Decide what you want to do, for example 1) talk with her, tell her what you expect from her and what you will not accept from her, write it down like a contract, give her a copy. And if she does accept your boundaries life may be better, but if she doesn’t , which is her ...
Learn how to write a blog post that readers will enjoy, in my step-by-step tutorial (and free blog post template) that shows how I get 4 million readers.
Forced to write the corresponding figure and its picture, and then talk about the situation bravely. Walking at home, going to work. Visiting a container yard, going on a business trip. Have a business discussion meeting. Getting start. Flag football. Fly across the board. Flaxseed. Able to...
Write new bullet points. Think of another way to reframe the tasks or accomplishments so the skills or keywords in the job posting are highlighted (see below). We continue with the same example using my resume. Notice that my original work history only had a few of the keywords mentioned ...
If you’re starting to charge for your writing, knowing your average writing pace will help you calculate the best price for your clients’ projects so you’re making a profit and not a loss. 2 Motivation and accountability “Write a thousand words a day and in three years you’ll be a...
show what an important activity on your application really means to you. Keep in mind, however, that many schools will ask you to describe one of your activities in their supplemental essays (usually about 250 words), so choose strategically—you don’t want to write twice on the same ...
Before you write your email, decide what you expect your reader to do. How will each email make his life better? This simple formula is handy for defining the purpose of each email: Learn [how such-and-such works], so you can [achieve so-and-so] ...
I read this book, twice, wrote a novel and now I’m a successful published novelist. This is the single most useful book on how to write a novel ever written, ever, by anyone in the entire universe, and you dismiss it to your cost. ...