The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 changed the rules on filing for spousal benefits underSocial Security, eliminating some popular claiming strategies that once allowed couples to increase their benefits. The new law didn't, however, do away with spousal benefits entirely. If you qualif...
To be eligible for benefits, most workers need to earn credits in the Social Security system. You earn these credits by working and paying your Social Security taxes, which are taken out of each paycheck. For 2024, you earn one credit for each $1,730 in earnings, with a maximum of four...
These organizations often give you forms to fill out that include a space to enter your Social Security number. Before you do, ask if it is necessary. Instead of giving them your Social Security number, you may be able to offer alternative forms of identification, such as a dri...
When it comes to Social Security benefits, there are many complicated rules and tax implications. While you might be tempted to file for Social Security as soon as you reach full retirement age, you could receive a larger benefit if you wait. So, you might want to tap into other retirement...
How Secure Is Social Security?Constance Walker
文章第四段第一句说:“Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits,which mostly involves a transfer of resources from the young to the old.(社会保险利益主要涉及到把资源由青年人转向老年人,因此对它的不断争论加剧了不同代人之间的紧张局面)”。接着作者又...
To qualify for the maximum Social Security retirement benefit, you'd have to earn the maximum taxable wage per year (that is, make the maximum contribution to Social Security) for at least 35 years. Maximum benefit amounts often change annually to reflect inflation [...
Terry Savage writes a nationally syndicated column on personal finance. Laurence Kotlikoff, an economics professor at Boston University, created software to help people maximize their Social Security benefits. Together, they've been trying to draw attention to what they call, "Social Se...
How to write a social media proposal that stands out Here’s how to write a social media marketing proposal that turns prospects into clients. 1.Illustrate your client’s needs with analysis An important part of a client relationship is managing their expectations. You want to lead with an an...
SOCIALSECURITYHowItWorksandHowtoFixIt Overview HowSocialSecurityWorks FinancingSocialSecurityHowBenefitsAreDetermined FinancialTroublesHowtoFixIt RaiseTaxesCutBenefitsIncreaseInvestmentReturns Atwo-tierSystem 2 HowManyPeopleGetSocialSecurity?47.7millionpeoplereceiveSocialSecurity...