21 Difference between a space and a "wave" symbol (tilde/"~")? 1 How to put quotation marks above and below letters d and p 0 How do I make the tilde encompass two variables? 2 How to make tilde symbol in the center on the line text? 1 How to check for ...
I would like to draw the ā character properly (i.e., I'd prefer, if possible, to avoid using some hack, such as \bar or \overline). Question: How do I properly write ā in LaTeX? I didn't have luck with Detexify (after several attempts in both in capital and lowercase) nor ...
begin_inset CommandInset label LatexCommand label name "fig:model1.thinWalledVessel" \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Step 2: \emph on This model is to become a part of a library of models which others can use in the future....
Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilde it can be read, that $\sim$ can be used both as a binary relation operator, and an unary operator meaning "approximately". Common use This symbol (in English) sometimes means "approximately", such as: "~30 minutes ago" meaning "approximately 30...
But as you can see in the attached image that the text "Next" is not aligned with the left page margin. I looks like I am starting a new paragraph with "Next" which is not the case. Can somebody help me to start the text "Next" from left margin of the p...
I want to write an tilde with an vertical line like thank you for your help :) Where i found it: Solution: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{stackengine,amssymb} \def\vTilde{\mathbin{\ensurestackMath{% \stackengine{0pt}{\mkern-1.5mu\vert}{\sim}{O}{l}{F}{F}{L}}} \begin...