B.Introduction的段落结构 已知的研究背景 未知的研究空白(Gap in knowledge) 提出科学假设(hypothesis) 研究策略 研究结论和意义 C各个部分写作要点 C-1已知背景知识介绍 与研究内容相关;从大到小,从粗到细,逐渐聚焦 give a strong statement that reflects your research subject area(给出一个强有力的陈述,反映...
HowtoWritetheIntroduction TheBestTimetoWritethePaper •Itiswisetodoitwhileyouarestillworkingontheproblem.•Itisadvisabletogooffwritinginalldirectionsatoncewhiletheresearchstillinprogress.TheDefinitionoftheIntroduction Apartofabookortreatisepreliminarytothe mainportion.ThePurposeoftheIntroduction Writtentointroducethe...
How to write the Introduction The introduction is certainly the most read section of any research paper, and it largely determines the readers or reviewers attitude toward the work. Therefore, it is probably the most delicate part of the writing of a paper. Unfortunately, many people face ...
How_to_Write_the___Introduction HowtoWritetheIntroduction WhatisIntroduction?Introductionisthefirstsectionofa scientificpaper,includingthebackground informationoftheresearch,thenatureand scopeoftheprobleminvestigated.Whydowehavetowriteanintroduction?Withoutanintroductionitissometimesverydifficultforyouraudiencetofigureout...
Writing an introduction to your research paper is very important, but it can be quite challenging. The introduction is your chance to make a good impression on the reader, and the way it is presented will set the pace for the rest of your work. You’ll need to create an introduction tha...
如何写英文论文-How-ti-write-Introduction.docx,How to write the Introduction The introduction is certainly the most read section of any research paper, and it largely determines the readers or reviewers attitude toward the work. Therefore, it is probably
大学课程学术英语读写how_to_write_the___introduction1.ppt,How to Write the Introduction What is Introduction? Introduction is the first section of a scientific paper, including the background information of the research, the nature and scope of the proble
For scientific and data-heavy research papers, the introduction has a few more formal requirements, such as briefly describing how the research was conducted. We’ll explain more on those in the next section. The role of the research paper introduction is to make sure the reader understands all...
Withoutanintroductionitissometimes verydifficultforyouraudiencetofigure outwhatyouaretryingtosay.There needstobeathreadofanideathatthey willfollowthroughyourpaper. TheStructureofIntroductionTheStructureofIntroduction •漏斗式结构: frombroadandgeneraltonarrowandspecific 先介绍主题的一般知识,再转向主题特定领域 的研...
How to write an effective intro? To start an introduction for a research paper, consider the following steps: Hook the reader: begin with a compelling opening sentence or a thought-provoking statement that grabs the reader’s attention. This could be an interesting fact, a relevant anecdote, ...