原因解释 + 举例解释 Using traditional cultures as money-making tourist attractions may destroy them. (This is) because the way they are originally performed needs to be altered to meet the needs of tourists. For example, in order to help audiences easily understand and happily enjoy the traditio...
How to write a paragraph for your college professor is different than writing a paragraph for afreelance writing job. The good news? In this post, you’ll learn the differences. We’ll go over effective paragraph writing for the digital age, and we’ll touch on the writing skills and basi...
Never send a "thank you" letter to a person using his/her job title: "Dear Marketing Manager:" Send the letter to a specific individual, and be sure to spell his/her name correctly! Body. Two average-length paragraphs should make up this section. In the first paragraph, thank the reade...
110 Sweet Nicknames to Call Your Girlfriend 40 Thoughtful Birthday Wishes for Your Daughter-in Say "I Love You" With These Sweet Quotes for Her Best Love Quotes to Spark Romance Show Him Your Love With These Quotes Interesting Questions to Ask Your Best Friend...
How_to_Write_Paragraphs HowtoWriteParagraphs?5.0Introduction Aparagraphisaunitofthought;itisbothaunitofitselfandpartofanarticle.Aparagraphislikeamini-essay;itshouldbeunified,coherentandwelldeveloped.Aparagraphisunifiedwhenallthesentencesintheparagrapharefocusedononecentralthoughtoronasingletopic;whenthewriterwishes...
How to write the perfect Instagram caption 1. Make the most of the first sentence After a couple lines of text, Instagram hides the rest of your caption behind a “more” link, so include important details in the beginning. Only about the first sentence will be seen in a user’s Instagr...
How to start a body paragraph Often the hardest sentence to write, the first sentence of your body paragraph should act as the topic sentence, introducing the main point of the entire paragraph. Also known as the “paragraph leader,” the topic sentence opens the discussion with an underlying...
As forparagraphs, it is up to you. Generally, writing two or three short body paragraphs is sufficient. A letter requires less stringent paragraphing than an essay. You could write one short paragraph for each point in the question, or join two of them together if they are closely related....
A simple way to write your final lines is to repeat the essence of your message—the one thing you want your readers to remember to do. In the concluding paragraph below, for instance, the reader is reminded that good blogging is a conversation with your readers: ...
Design.Keep the reader's eye moving by using several “tricks of the trade.” Examples: Vary paragraph widths Add personal notes using a script font Use different colors to mark key phrases Your turn!Now you write a sales letter that will sell your product and increase your profits!