The details (5 pages, 3 readers) Related work (1-2 pages, 10 readers) Conclusions and further work (0.5 pages) 4. nail your contributions to the mast(The introduction) The introduction只用一页纸做两件事:描述问题;表明你的贡献。 描述问题: 用一个例子介绍问题。不要含混不清,eg:很多方法对此...
论文不是做完研究后的结果,而是the way that you develop the ideas in the first place,一种做研究的方式 2. Identify your key idea The greatest ideas are (literally) worthless if you keep them to yourself. Don't wait until you have a good idea to write something, write stuff about any idea...
Whatyouobserved,providedshouldserveastheevidencetosupportyourconclusion.HowtoWriteaResearchPaper IntroductionProcedureDiscussion general→specific specific→general ManuscriptForm MarginsIndentedFormFullBlockStyleTitle QuotedLines Whenyouquoteoverfourlinesofanother...
how to write a research paper《如何写好英文文章》A leading international Publishing original research
How to Write a Research Paper? Here's a quick guide to writing a research paper: Grasp the Assignment: What exactly are you being asked to do? Pick a Research Paper Topic: What subject will you explore? Do Initial Research: What background info do you need? Craft a Thesis Statement: ...
1.Anote-takinghandout.Aswegothroughtheassignment,takenotes,orwritedownanyquestionsyouhave2.Asampleoutline 3.Examplesofplagiarizingv.paraphrasing I’vejuststolenotherauthor’swork!“Plagiarizer”WhereDoWeBegin?Overview:Requirements(Whatyouneedforyourpaper)√ TopicQuestions(Whatyouneedtoputintoyourpaper)√...
How to write a great research paper Good papers and talks are a fundamental part of research excellenceJones, Simon Peyton
on yourself. Writing a research paper involves four main stages: choosing a topic, researching your topic, making an outline, and doing the actual writing. The paper won't write itself, but by planning and preparing well, the writing practically falls into place. Also, try to avoid ...
·Toosubjective:Apersonaltopic,suchas"WhyMyCompanyIsBest,"maybeunsuitablebecauseyouprobablywon'tbeabletosupportitfromon-siteoronlinelibrarysources. ·Toocontroversial:Avoidanysubject/topicaboutwhichyoucan'twriteobjectively. ·Toofamiliar:Yourworkonaresearchpapershouldleadtodiscoveryofthingsyoudon'talreadyknow....