You’ll also see that these anti-patterns stem from performance concerns and that, besides the “manual” approach to improving SQL queries, you can analyze your queries also in a more structured, in-depth way by making use of some other tools that help you to see the query plan; And, ...
Most forget that SQL isn’t just about writing queries, which is just the first step down the road. Ensuring that queries are performant or that they fit the context that you’re working in is a whole other thing. This SQL tutorial will provide you with a small peek at some steps that...
For queries, however, you’re not necessarily classifying them according to their difficulty, but rather to the time it takes to run it and get some results back. This specifically is referred to as time complexity and to articulate or measure this type of complexity, you can use the big O...
How to Write SQL Queries Before we begin, ensure you have a database management application allowing you to pull data from your database. Some options include MySQL or Sequel Pro. Start by downloading one of these options, then talk to your company’s IT department about how to connect to...
LINQ to SQL translates the queries you write into parameterized SQL queries (in text form) and sends them to the SQL server for processing. SQL cannot execute the variety of methods that might be locally available to your application. LINQ to SQL tries to convert these local methods to equiva...
How To: Optimize SQL Queries How To: Page Records in .NET Applications How To: Perform Capacity Planning for .NET Applications How To: Scale .NET Applications How To: Submit and Poll for Long-Running Tasks How To: Time Managed Code Using QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency ...
Is it possible to run SQL queries on an .xdf read into RevoR and running SQL inside RevoR? Solution It is not possible to run SQL on .xdf file read as it is a binary file that contains data and not a database. What allows us to work with such la...
To create a PTF, you need to create a package and the function itself. With SQL macros all you need is the function. So with macros you generally have to write less code. Currently there is a functional difference that may lead you to prefer PTFs though. As it stands you can't use ...
How to execute multiple sql statements/queries on one button click in how to exit Application in vb .net how to export a windows form into a pdf format How to export data from SQL server (using query) to Excel file How to export data to excel using How to ext...
1. ST05 - There's an option to Explain one SQL Request. Through this option you can find out the number of records that will be retrieved and other details. You will not get the resut, however. This transaction will help you write better SQL queries in terma of performance. 2. If yo...