Writing clear regulations isn’t easy. To do it successfully, you have to take a fresh look at the way you approach the task. This may mean unlearning what you’ve picked up over the years about how “official” writing looks. It means putting yourself in your readers’ place and questio...
Here are some rules in writing for business. Organize your materialWhen you tend to write something, like you are announcing a meeting with your employees or colleagues, you should make it simple. Your employees and colleagues will not get immediately the information you are trying to relay on...
How to Write By COLSON WHITEHEAD Published: July 26, 2012 in NYTimes The art of writing can be reduced to a few simple rules. I share them with you now. 写作的技巧可概括成几条简单的法则。现在,我愿与君分享。Rule No. 1: Show and Tell. Because when writers put their work out into ...
” writes Callahan, “then tell them a hypothetical story based on something they do understand, something that’s relatable. And pick someone to deliver the message who is familiar to the audience, someone who is like them and also has credibilit...
The author advises writers to avoid procrastination, not to edit or evaluate work during the writing process, and not to write everyday, a rule proposed by William Zinsser. He argues that quantity of writing does not reduce quality, citing John Updike, Joyce Carol Oats, and Isaac Asimov as ...
You must be using Visual Studio 2010 Premium or Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate to implement custom code analysis rules.Creating the MyCustomRules projectNOTE: If you already have an existing custom rules project you can skip this step.Create a new class library...
To help you through a tough task at a tough time, this guide explains in plain terms how to write an obituary for a family member or loved one. We cover what information needs to go in an obituary, how long it should be, some advice for the writing process, and how to submit it....
布雷特•门斯(Brett Mensh)和康拉德•科尔丁(Konrad Kording)总结出了写好结构化论文的10条规则。门斯在回应《自然》杂志职业特点栏目采访稿“如何写出一流的文章”时指出(Virginia Gewin,How to write a first-class paper,Nature 555, 129-130 (2018)):(报道这10条法则的文章)列出了使用背景-内容-结论三...
To follow up on my post from yesterday on Tuning the performance of your WF Rules, here is some code that you can use to write a custom PolicyActivity that does caching of rule sets.The dictionary caches your rule set.public class PolicyCacheService : WorkflowRuntime...
How to Write Dates Correctly in Sentences Before we get too far along in this process, I'm going to focus on writing out months (no abbreviations) and using numerals for the numbers. I'll add a little note about abbreviations below, but it's basically the same rules. (Why the Oxford ...