How to Interpret Scientific Evidence Lesson Transcript Instructor Yuanxin (Amy) Yang Alcocer Amy has a master's degree in secondary education and has been teaching math for over 9 years. Amy has worked with students at all levels from those with special needs to those that are gifted. Cite...
In our norms, for each concept, participants were required to write down words or short phrases that would allow some- one else to correctly guess the concept, following the proce- dure described in Recchia & Jones, 2012. Each participant (N = 100, all Chilean Spanish speakers), was ...
I. WHAT'S IN A LEGAL OPINION? When two people disagree and that disagreement leads to a lawsuit, the lawsuit will sometimes end with a ruling by a judge in favor of one side. The judge will explain the ruling in a written document referred to as an "opinion." The ...
We named the tool Global Assessment of Reflection ability (GAR) and conducted a mixed method validation study. Our goal was to investigate whether it is possible to enhance and assess reflection ability using the tool. Methods: In order to investigate acceptability, feasibility, face validity, and...
3. The reading process refers to the complex of skills and reasoning processes the readers use in getting meaning from the printed page. i 3 Review of the Literature It is the purpose of this section to review briefly studies relating to university reading programs, research on the nature of...
Manuela Waldner, Thomas Geymayer, Dieter Schmalstieg, & Michael Sedlmair (2021) Linking unstructured evidence to structured observations [d] Hye-Gyoung Yoon, Mijung Kim, & Eun Ah Lee (2021) Visual representation construction for collective reasoning in elementary science classrooms [d] Shivam Agar...
However, it was shown that the additional term e−(ρ+ρ¯)Q has to be taken into account [25], where Q describes a generic hard scale of the Instanton process. This form factor effect renders the ρ integration convergent. In order to make reliable calculations of cross sections in ...
Our reasoning was that we could alert the user via the vibration motor at random times and ask the user to input how long since the last alert. This would result in consistent data every day, but turned out to be problematic for a number of reasons. This meant the user would get ...
However, although some state courts may characterize the crite- ria and terminology differently, the gist of the court's reasoning in deciding who gets the prize is to evaluate certain "factors." The court examines these factors and weighs the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative envi-...
For AIBO, COLLEGE, and LECTURE, participants were also asked to write a one-paragraph summary of the story to assess their understanding of the main narrative points. Additionally, one multiple-choice question about the main argument put forth in the story was also used to gauge participants' ...