If you want to land a book deal, you will need a literary agent and a book proposal. If you want a particular agent, you need to write an effective query letter to convince that agent to represent you. The average author might need to send 50 query letters before receiving one reply, ...
My goal is to get you to where you’re seen as the next success. That’s why agents are in the business. Despite how many ideas they reject, they’re longing to discover the next bestseller. Be the one who writes it!
Before you write your introductory letter, study the market. Pick ten agents you believe have sold similar material on the same subject or within your genre. Here’s an obvious example: never send an adult horror book to an agent who exclusively handles children’s board books. You get th...
Learn how to write a query letter that will get an agent to request your manuscript. Includes an exclusive querying kit.
Query letters are a recurring theme here since every writer needs one, and there are hundreds of posts online full of query advice. But I wanted to give you a simple, straightforward set of instructions. Queries should include the following three elements: ...
Query Letter - A former literary agent and former AAR member reveals how to write an agent query that gets top literary agents reading.
I’ve written query letters and sent them to many magazines and other types of publications—some accepted, some not. In my past editorial positions for several regional magazines I had to read queries written by other writers and decide whether to accep
Usually, agents and agencies have submission guidelines that explain what to send together with the query letter. For short stories, that will usually include the entire story, but for novels it will depend on the agent. Some might ask the first few chapters, or the five chapter and a synop...