Learn how to write a blog post that readers will enjoy, in my step-by-step tutorial (and free blog post template) that shows how I get 4 million readers.
A value proposition sets you apart from the competition in the eyes of your target audience. Get this free template to help streamline your efforts.
All that adds up to creating generic content anyone could write. Use AI enough times, and you will notice familiar patterns in the responses. It sounds like AI. But AI can be a powerful content marketing sidekick It pays to be aware of the shortfalls of AI before you add it to your ...
The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Start Blogging and Make Money in 6 Steps This is my easy, step-by-step guide to learn how to start a blog and make money from it. For 10+ years, I’ve been blogging & making money online—this is the best way to start blogging (and soon make ...
The personal statement conclusion is the Harry Potter of essays with word count limits. No, you can’t make it live under the stairs. It has special powers. You need it if you want to succeed in your quest. To avoid the anxiety of figuring out what to trim from an essay, applicants ...
There you have it, a step-by-step guide to type any negative exponent in Microsoft Word using the equation tool. Generally accepted way to type Negative Power or exponents Writing exponents with a pen is freaking easy. All you do is write the base number and put the exponent slightly above...
Exponents of tenare important, too. If you know what the values of 10 raised to different powers are, you're halfway home. In case you have forgotten, several examples are below. For multiples of 10 smaller than one: Lesson Quiz
My real power rests in the depths of my mind, in my passion for writing. But to know how my powers came to be (not from a spider or a special rock), I must travel back to the first spark. Four years ago, I wrote my first 6-word memoir in my eighth-grade rhetoric class. ...
How long does it take to start a blog? While it’s hard to put a timeframe on the creative process of choosing a blog topic, once you know what you want to write about, youcan knock out the technical process of starting a blog in just 20-30 minutes. It really is easier than you...
How I Learned to Write a Screenplay In college, I took a class withJohn Wilder, a veteran Hollywood film and TV writer, who began the class by writing,“STRUCTURE! STRUCTURE! STRUCTURE!”on the chalkboard. “What's the most important part of a screenplay?” he asked at the beginning of...