3号障碍:"I write best when I’m inspired to write." 解决方案:Study shows that (Boice, 1990) consistent writers not only write more pages per day, but also generate more creative ideas. 所以还是不要依赖灵感写作啦。 Tips for Good Writing Schedules 1. Take it seriously. Time block on your...
I actually don’t mind the spell checker, but when I have the grammar checker on, I find myself stopping every few minutes to yell, “Shut up, Imeantto write it that way!” Guess what? You have the power to switch off the checkers, so you’re able towrite without distraction. You...
get a copy of ourWrite Plan Planner. This is the exact process that I have used to write fifteen books, and that thousands of other authors in our community have used tofinish their book all in a beautiful, daily planner.Check out the planner here. ...
Would you like to write posts like these? Then you have to check out this step-by-step guide on how to write a blog post that gets shared hundreds of times, ranks high on search engines, and generates leads and sales. There’s also an infographic at the end. Bonus: I created a ...
Writing polished professional emails is a critical skill: It’s a basic but important tool for day-to-day communication with coworkers, managers, clients, and customers. Nearly everyone in the academic and professional fields communicates via email, so knowing how to write them well is a key ...
Unit 6How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost No EffortRichard Howey 1 So you want to write a poem. Youve had a rotten da
NaNoWriMo is a worldwide event that takes place every November. Participants around the world set a goal to write at least 50k words from November 1st to the 30th (this equals 1,666 words per day). There are a lot of incentives to participate in NaNoWriMo, including local events, works...
一How To Write A Lot是一本如何更有效率地进行学术写作的指导书,语言风趣幽默,一路读下去,你会不自觉地嘴角上翘。 这本教人如何更好写作的书,本身就是写作的典范,简洁,明快,态度明确,语言生动幽默。 不过这书不是教人如何写一篇好的文章,有这方面的需求的人可... (展开) 27 4回应 [ e c h o ]...
“Write a thousand words a day and in three years you’ll be a writer!”—Ray Bradbury Tracking your word count is like using a pedometer to track your steps. Getting to watch your progress is exciting, motivating, and keeps you accountable. Many writing projects take multiple days (or we...
Another way to look at this may be to examine how you developed the comedy talent you have. Did you develop it by responding to countless people over many years people with written notes to get laughs??? When a comedian tries to “write” jokes or stand-up comedy material in the literal...