I want to write "Omega hat" (the greek letter Omega, with a hat on it) in a plot title and lables. for "u hat", I simply use \it\^{u} with Latex interpreter. But I cannot make Greek letters like Omega by "Latax" interpreter. the only way is using "tex" interpreter, which ...
6. Bold delimiters in LaTeX We can’t use all of the above commands to produce bold delimiters; only the \pmb will do the trick because the others don’t affect the thickness of the delimiter. For example, % Bold delimiters \documentclass{article} ...
and write a and xialin insisted and yahoo and yet beyond consci and yet last year and you are like the and you are my man and you dont want him and you have to know and you its only and you know im satis and you know that i w and you looked at me and you say sorry lik an...
In the world of Linux, you can do presentation in several different ways, e.g., Impress for multimedia-rich content,Impress.jsfor stunning visualization, Beamer for hardcore LaTex users, and so on. If you are looking for a simple means to create and show a textual presentation, look no f...
Great write-up, Matt! Reply Lee says: January 22, 2011 at 10:36 am This is a very helpful post. I always feel like I don’t make my smoothies right. I’ll have to try your formula. Reply Emily says: January 22, 2011 at 11:38 am LOVE the anchor concept. Brilliant!
Is it possible to put your gdb parameters after /c command? Like this, pr = rt.exec(“cmd /c gdb …your gdb parameter goes here…”); If it doesn’t work, what about batch (.bat) file. Write the gdb command in the batch file. I have provide some links in the summary sec...
Post 5lbs in 5 Days Juice Challenge: Peace, Paris-Roubaix & Pesto! Mindfulness Monday: How I Meditate Cycling, Juicing & Health aka An Excuse to Write about Cav! Creativity is Contagious – Pass It On!* Compassion is Good for Our Health Finding the Happiness Inside Raw Treats – Recipes ...
new job and I'm using Comsol (I'm a novice user) but I need to be able to integrate a vector function. I have looked at the reference guide and I only found how to integrate a scalar (complex or real). As an example, we need to compute the following integral (in latex form) ...
In PowerPoint, go to the slide that you want to have a prezi presentation. Go to SlideDynamic Ribbon and click on "Insert Offline Prezi". That's it. If the folders are in the right place, a box with an X in it will show up in your slide. That is the inserted Prezi. You can ...