So, what we actually want to improve is to improve our perception.所以,我们真正想要改善的是改善我们的感知能力。And not necessarily our hearing.不一定是我们的听力。Okay?好吗?So that is something important to recognize.认识到这一点很重要。And also, not to trust your ears because we want to...
That's why you need to learn how to write a cover letter that complements your resume and shows the hiring manager that you're the perfect fit for the role. We'll help you put together a letter that shows the employer how your skills, professional achievements and work experience make you...
Okay, but what next? After your greeting, you should explain why you're writing.好了,不过接下来呢?问候完你应当解释写邮件的原因。Make this as short as possible. If you're writing to someone who receives hundreds of emails every day, you need to make your purpose clear quickly.这部分尽...
Write a one-sentence mission statement for your book. Example: “I want to write this book to help aspiring entrepreneurs build a profitable business from scratch.” Step 2: Find a book idea that excites you How do you choose the right book idea? If you’re struggling to settle on an i...
1. Write several drafts first. Ever thought of the perfect joke after it was a little too late to tell it? We've all had a similar feeling when we come up with the perfect Instagram caption once we've already published the post. The lesson? Don't rush the process. Instead, write a...
Okay?是这样吗?Let's look at the first way to link words:我们看看单词连音的第一种方式:Part one: linking two consonants.第一部分:两个辅音连音。When you say 'that time', what happens?当您说"that time"时,会发生什么?How many times do you pronounce /t/?您发音/ t /多少次?The ...
arcs. I can do one or multiple rounds to make sure you have a road map for your future draft nailed down before you sit down to write. This is honestly one of my favorite services to do because we can anticipate a lot of issues ahead of time and save you so much revision heartache...
Okay, let's look at how to be polite.好,我们来看看如何讲礼貌吧。"Did you want sugar in your tea?" "Did you need help with anything?" "Hi. Did you want to order a drink?" The past simple tense is used to discuss things that have already happened; they happened in the past and...
We, the Grammarly team, give you permission to start sentences with conjunctions. And (see what we did there?) unless you’re writing something formal, we’re perfectly okay with you ending some sentences with prepositions. 12 Keep your sentences simple. Literary greats can write long, comple...
You need a plan. For example, maybe you can make writing time by waking up half an hour earlier every day. It's okay if you can only write for a short time each day; the key is to be consistent. Imagine you write just half a page per day. If you do that every day, in one ...