MMNMother's Maiden Name MMNMystery Meat Navigation MMNModule Magic Number(computing; Apache) MMNMennonite Mission Network MMNMismatched Negativity MMNMontreal Muslim News(Canada) MMNMedical Micro-Power Network MMNMega Man Network(gaming website)
When it comes to your child’s surname, you may not have a choice—at least initially. In some states and countries, for example, the baby must be given the father’s last name, if known. Sometimes, it has to be the mother’s or gestational parent's last name.1Laws like these are...
In the following example, I’m going to add my mother’s cell to my Gmail contacts. Let’s say that her phone provider is Verizon and her number is (555)123-4567. You should be able to set up contacts through most email programs (if you can’t, switch to Gmail). 1. Go to cont...
Lawsuits involve applying law to fact; at the heart of any lawsuit, therefore, is a mantra from "Dragnet's" Joe Friday: "Just the facts, ma'am." Litigants have multiple ways to present facts; two common forms are witness testimony and affidavits. An affidavit is a written document, sign...