Let's say you want to convert 100 acres to hectares. How do we do this? Use the following steps: 1. You need to know that 1 acre = 0.404686 hectares and/or 1 hectare = 2.471 acres depending on the conversion 2. Always write down the units of your eventual answer (hectares in ...
4. A quart is a little ___ than a liter. 5. A kilogram has a ___ mass than a pound. Think and Write Which system of measurement do you think is easier for doing calculations? Write one to three sentences explaining your choice. Answers 1. 128 2. US Customary 3. SI, sys...
When you measure by weight you want to use adigital scaleto weigh your ingredients. Turn the scale on and then use the “unit” button to change the settings to your desired unit of measurement. Grams is the preferred unit of measurement for baking because it is the smallest and therefore ...
Additionally, when you write out the answer, abbreviate “molarity” with “M” and state the solute involved. Example problem: 0.004 M KMnO4 Method 3 Calculating Molarity with Moles and Milliliters Download Article 1 Know the basic formula for calculating molarity. In order to find ...