SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) if we take the elements as A,X,Y,D,E,F,G,H,Z. A is parent node. X,Y are child nodes of A. D,E,F,are child nodes of X. G,H,Z,are child nodes of Y. the output will be like this ...
Please help me to write select queries on SAP HANA database. Also please let me know which method is better in the below two options on SAP HANA database. 1.SAP select query 2.BAPI methods to get the data Please let me know your suggestions as soon as possible Thanks a lot in advanc...
ENDFORM. " Z_WRITE_MSG_TO_LOG *&--- *& Form Z_ADD_MSG *&--- FORM z_add_msg. CALL FUNCTION 'BAL_LOG_MSG_ADD' EXPORTING i_log_handle = w_log_handle_tx i_s_msg = w_s_msg_ds EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-m...
Also keep in mind that RuntimeException is a kind of Unchecked exception ( do not need to be declared in method where it might be raised ), which will be compared with ABAP exception later. 2. According to Java Document, the type parameter in generic type declaratio...
message_text : abap.sstring( 512 ); } The content of the custom entity can be displayed by adding an association into the root entity of our RAP BO. define root view entity ZAPPR_InventoryTP_01 as select from zapp_inven_01 association [0..*] to ZAPPI_appl_log as _ApplicationLog on...
How to write unit tests using CDS Test Double Framework In the following section, we will create unit tests for the following CDS view using the widely used ABAP Unit Test Framework itself. @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zSo_Items_By_1' @EndUserText.label: 'Aggregations/functions in SELECT list...
I traced how SO generated the MESSAGE and found out that it is using function module SD_ORDER_CREDIT_CHECK. Now, I wanted to adopt this kinda validation on the routine before re-calculating the condition base value. Is this possible? What should I do? I checked the order, it seems that...
in.close(); } Valery Silaev EPAM Systems Message was edited by: Valery Silaev Xiaopeng Tan Posts: 32 Registered: 7/18/05 Forum Points: 6 Re: How to upload a file via ABAP RFC with Webdynpro ? Posted: Nov 24, 2005 11:51 AM ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP TechEd, ABAP Development, SAP Process Integration How come it can't find the PR_NO that I created (though it's already in the dbase)? Do I have to fill up the old & new requisition? What if Ii'm going to change just 1 field, like the Delivery date?Know...
He loves to build PCs and has a deep curiosity in understanding how different components and configurations work. John spends hundreds of hours at a time, researching and testing the software and apps, before he proceeds to write about it. LinkedIn X (Twitter) Website View Comments (0) ...