When preparing an informative speech, it’s essential to focus on delivering clear and engaging content. For more tips on crafting a great speech, check out this guide onhow to write a speech, which provides a step-by-step approach. Table of Contents Key Takeaways An informative speech is ...
“Keep it short, on-point, and eye-catching. Do not write more than six to ten pages unless your product is extremely complicated.” While you’ll need to include all relevant information that prospective clients will need in order to make a decision, take care to avoid overcrowding them w...
We’ll go through how to write a goodbye email to coworkers and even provide farewell email samples. Key Takeaways: Focus on positives in your goodbye email and make sure to leave the door open. Don’t go into too much depth, save the details for coworkers who you feel close to as...
If you’re wondering how to write a memorandum, keep reading: In this article, we will go over what a memo is and walk you through professional memo formats. We’ll also provide examples of high-quality memos to reference as you write your next memo. Key Takeaways: The four types of ...
Key Takeaways and Next Steps Cold emails get a bad rep because they’re usually pretty bad—irrelevant, long, rambling and they usually feel like spam. Make sure your cold email doesn’t get sent to spam by ensuring your messaging is short, sweet, to the point, respectful and feels like...
to 8:00 p.m. In honor of his generous spirit, the family asks that donations be made to the Shriners Children charity. Although Brett is no longer with us, his legacy of laughter and compassion will live on. Key takeaways Include all the important information for an obituary, like the ...
companies should take care to ensure that these expenses would not more accurately be classified as advertising expenses or charitable contributions. Companies cannotwrite offthe actual market value of the goods or services given away. Instead, it's the cost of the promotion that must be written ...
To ensure that you don't forget anything in the process, save this checklist to stay organised. Key takeaways Asking for an extended period of time off can be stressful, but remember that you’re legally allowed to do so if you have a valid reason. By following this guide, you’ll ens...
When you write a follow-up email after form submission, it’s important to acknowledge the action the prospect has taken, provide relevant information and encourage them to take the next step in the customer journey, such as scheduling a call or accessing additional resources. ...
Key Takeaways Didn’t have the time to read the entire guide? Here are the main things you need to know about writing your CV: Always send a CV when applying for a job. Choose a format that fits your particular career situation. ...