For good measure, here's a LuaLaTeX-based solution. It sets up a Lua function namedrandnzint(short for "random non-zero integer", I suppose) that does the actual work, a LaTeX helper macro that makes it straightforward to call the Lua function, and a handful of demos of how to use ...
% !TEX TS-program = lualatex %% Create an external file to contain the Lua code \RequirePackage{filecontents} \begin{filecontents*}{padnum.lua} function padnum ( digits , n) -- The "0" term in string.format ensures left-padding with zeroes, as needed: tex.sprint ( string....
When as a user I proceed to open a Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb document) with some LaTeX code in markdown cells, instead of the source code Let $\nu_p(n)$ denote p-adic order for prime number $p$ of non-zero integer $n$ where $\nu_p$ is a p-adic order ...
We could circumvent the MSR 0xE2 register write with a dedicated KernelToPatch entry in the config.plist, namely "xcpm_core_scope_msrs © Pike R. Alpha" and by enabling the "KernelPM" in the config.plist in Section "Kernel and Kext Patches" of the Clover Configurator. Thanks t...
Use what is most clear to your intention. For me that's usually strVar == "". As per the comment from Constantin, if strVar could some how end up containing an integer 0 value, then that would indeed be one of those intention-clarifying situations. Share Improve this answer Foll...
When the kernel tried to write to this locked register, it caused a kernel panic. This panic could happen very early in the boot process, with the result that the system freezes or reboots during the boot process. We could circumvent the MSR 0xE2 register write with a dedicated KernelT...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
2.) To unlock the MSR 0xE2 register for kernel write copy the BIOS firmware file modified in section B.1.1) to the "UEFIPatch_0.3.9_osx" directory on your Desktop.4.) Open a terminal; type "cd " and drag the "UEFIPatch_0.3.9_osx"-folder on your Desktop into the Terminal ...
The powers of a are decreasing from n to 0 The powers of b increase from 0 to n. The sums of the exponents in each term is n. Result So, we can write the k + 1st term in the expansion as Ckr−1an−k bk . Example - 6th term in (a + b)51 Dr. Herman (UNCW) How ...
It’s easy peasy to write multiline cells without fixing the column width with tblr environment of the new LaTeX3 package tabularray: just enclose the cell text with braces and use \\ to break lines: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tabularray} \begin{document} \begin{tblr}{|l|c|r...