2. pressing "s" (to type ስ) 3. pressing "t" and then "." (to type ጥ) 4. pressing "r" (to type ር) This will make typing Amharic words very easy and fast. Am360, May 11, 2024 #3 EFE E for Excel Win User How do i save , edit & type info in word? Edit...
Next, you need to choose whether you want to use Google Translate for automatic translations. The default choice is ‘No’, but you can change that if you would like to use Google Translate. You will need to provide a Google Translate API key in the next option. You will find a link ...
If love is a universal language, and "I love you" is the most important thing to say, how will you tell the world how you feel? Here are more than 165 ways to say "I love you" in different languages.
There are links on this page to put it in your favorites, so that the next time you say, "How to pronounce...?" it will be right there in your favorites!!! I used to feel awkward reading these names, not knowing the right pronunciation of each word. Now I don't worry about how...
Nowadays, many people have friends, family, business partners all over the world. So, it might be interesting to know how they say Merry Christmas in different languages in order to congratulate your acquaintances in their native tongue, write them an email withemail translatoror even send a po...
Over the years Francis has established enduring friendships in Ethiopia. But he is also aware of rumors and complaints about his motives.“Bizu meqegna alegn”, he said, using the Amharic word for people who wish ill-will on others. “Naturally, the fact that aferenjtakes care of such a...
The name “Google” actually came from a graduate student at Stanford named Sean Anderson, Koller writes. Anderson suggested the word “googolplex” during a brainstorming session, and Page countered with the shorter “googol.” Googol is the digit 1 followed by 100 zeroes, while googolplex is...
From what I remember, there are a couple of apps that need to be installed in the phone memory, and also some apps write into the phone memory, no matter where they were installed. Because of those reasons I normally use the memory card as default for installing all t...