the spacing environment provides custom spacing and requires one argument: the \baselinestretch value to use; for example:\begin{spacing}{2.5} ... ... \end{spacing} setspace package examplesThe following examples demonstrate some uses of the setspace package: click the “Open in Overleaf” links...
somebody who ditches bands when they start to become famous (no such person actually exists, but I’m just conjuring up what the term is meant to convey). Ultimately, it implies people so image-conscious that they live in fear of being or doing anything remotely uncool or unhip....
To immediately use/apply the newscale value, write \selectfont as demonstrated in the code fragment below.\linespread{scale}: can be used to change \baselineskip without affecting the current font size. This command sets \baselinestretch to scale which subsequently changes \baselineskip to scale× ...