Martin Short, Adam Sandler, Lucille Ball, and Carol Burnett. Actress Mabel Normand, who I learned about while researching historical fiction, was the first woman to throw a pie at Charlie Chaplin, another great physical comedian.
How to Write Barbs and Banter That Aren’t Mean March 29, 2024 What Good Omens Can Learn From Our Flag Means Death November 17, 2023 View all Thank You Steve Ferguson Old enough to have watched the initial airing of the original Star Trek series. Your patronage keeps this site running...
Granted, building up your Twitter account takes time and effort, so this tipworks best for peoplewho have already done this. By the way, all this also applies to othersocial mediaplatforms. Consider Reddit. If you’re an expert in a particular niche, chances are there’s a thread for you...
People who tend to be on the rude side can be good writers with valuable insights. However, when those folks express helpful insights in a snarky manner, the person on the receiving end won’t listen. For people to take in what you say, they must feel that the critique partner has thei...
One of the most powerful guidelines for any author is to “honor simplicity.” This doesn’t mean you can’t write stories of deep complexity, but it does mean you should never confusecomplexwithcomplicated. This rule of thumb is particularly valuable when writing stories with multiple main cha...
It’s our job to not only reflect the way our audience writes (and talks) but to understand it and use it appropriately. Where new language comes from, its motivations — diving head first into a subreddit or the far corners of TikTok, or even a history book is just as important as...
How to Write Good Copy– Formatting For KDP Description You will also want to format your book description so that it looks good. Amazon has a good resource onwhat HTML is supported right here. Andhere's another great blog postthat shows what the different formatting options ...
This book demystifies branding and social media and harnesses the same passion and imagination we authors use to write books, then uses that to locate and cultivate a devoted fan base. The methods taught in this book can weather any technological upheaval, and is virtually fad-proof. The new...
When you want to form a habit, consistency is FAR more important than performance, so I made sure to pick a target that I could do every day without fail. Later on we can always scale up. Action:Write down your goal and put it somewhere you’ll see it as a reminder.Use this Motiva...
There are countless ways of finding new books to read, both online and offline. But nothing beats the recommendation of an actual human being. Which is where Reddit proves its worth.