当figure组好之后,我们只需要将固定的句式套进去就好。 这句话不无道理,但没突出重点,那就是忽略了真正的重点:严密的论证逻辑。 我会在这里分享results结构,results写作策略以及固定的results常用句式。 Results段落结构 标题:与figure legend一致。 介绍:一句话介绍你做了什么实验或者使用了什么分析方法。(xxx ...
“大扎好,我系轱天乐,我四渣渣辉,探挽懒月,介四里没有挽过的船新版本,挤需体验三番钟,里造会干我一样,爱象节款游戏。介晚的传奇,我就系你的兄弟。” Figure legend,即图例,帮助读者在不看正文的情况下理解figure。 figure legend的组成结构 简明扼要的标题:通常是含有谓语动词的短语;不超过15个单词 重要的...
it uses figure titles that follow the same format as the table titles shown in “How to Write Table Titles.”1The information below still applies to those who follow the sixth edition of thePublication Manual.
HOW TO WRITE A RESEARCH PAPER This introductory guide is aimed at researchers at the beginning of their careers intending to write papers for publication in APEX and JJAP. It will provide a few tips for writing papers on your research results.1. Where to submit your paper It is beneficial ...
1. 不要拖,赶紧开始 2. 不要想着一次过,先写出初稿 3. 明确文章类型,阅读者以及目标刊物 4. review and refresh the corpus u ve made 5. the Algorithm 5.1 依然是不要拖... 5.2 列outline:把figure,graph等按顺序排好以便自己追溯 5.3 不要先写intro(最难的部分),尽量先写experiment(生命科学中其实就...
2. Outline the experiment(s) that generated the results in the figure. This doesn't mean that you have to copy the methods and materials for the paper. You just need to write out, in outline form, the steps taken in the experiment, and indicate the rationale for each step. Additionally...
Abstracts are often limited to a few hundred words, so they need to be concise. The abstract is best written after a paper is completed. (For more information on writing a good abstract, see the Abstract UFI.) INTRODUCTION. Good scientific papers explain how the specific study being ...
Know your point before writing! Every single sentence in the paper should help to serve this point! Introductions are hard to write! One possible guideline: See weitzlab guide Figures Draft the figures. Write the figure captions first!
Counts of acceptances and rejections by type of research question Figure 2. Distribution of acceptances and rejections by type of research question 2.3 What do program committees look for? Acting on behalf of prospective readers, the program committee looks for a clear statement of the specific ...