I am trying to write this mathematical expression correctly and systematically. I need some help, please: \begin{equation} \label{58} \begin{array}{l} \alpha_{\mathcal{A}}\|w_n-w_n^{hk}\|^2_V \\ &\leq \langle \mathcal{A}\varepsilon(w_n)-\mathcal{A}^l\varepsilon(w_n^...
I believe they just look different because of the font (same with the epsilons and thetas). PS: I see online sources (e.g., this one) write "οὔποτε" instead of "οὔπωε"; is this a typo in your original source? Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jan 5 ...
text(figure_handle, 0.2, 0.5,'$L\alpha TeX t\epsilon xt$','Interpreter','latex', more options..) Copy-pasting from another source is probably less tedious but this solution allows you to change your label text dynamically. Fingers crossed for label interpreters in 201...
To think about this, imagine the sequences were not going to infinity, but rather, they were going to some point a. Then, a "uniform convergence" of the sequences f_n( x_i ) means that every sequence f_n ( x_i ) for each x_i , get epsilon-close to their respective limits, ...
h = text(0.05,.6, sprintf('%d = \\beta_1*%d + \\beta_2*%d + \\beta_3*%d + \\beta_4*%d + \\epsilon_{%2d}\n',[glm.y glm.dmat (1:6)']')); solving an overdetermined model Solving the equations for an overdetermined model uniquely is not possible. To create a u...
How to insert degree Celsius symbol in node text in pgfplots/tikz? (5 answers) Closed 7 years ago. So I have this code. \draw(A)-- (X)-- (D) pic["$\epsilon$"] {angle= A--X--D}; And it works perfectly. But I don't know how to display numbers. For example \draw(...
I want to be able to write a backwards epsilon of the sort used for set membership in mathmode. Lets say this command was called "\backin", then here would be an example use: \Theta(f(n)) \backin g(n) \in O(h(n)) To say that g(n) is in both \Theta(f(n)) and O(...
are some good options in LaTeX, modern packages for XeLaTex can give a lot more control over the fonts from the very beginning, without the need to use commands different from the standard \mathbf that every one expects naively to work the first time one tries to write bold italic ...
I am currently using the exam class to write up the solutions to a take-home exam, but I am having issues when my solutions are too big to fit a page. I either have huge gaps in my paper or solutions that spill over the page and never make it to the next one. So what I need...
I need this picture with more quality for a paper but I am not as skilled on Tikz as I would like to.I did part of the way on constructing the circles, points and arrows but, as I imagined, I can't do the details like the circle being part erased on one of the nodes. Or the...