Any novel is based on the desire for something, and any protagonist must overcome obstacles to obtain it. An epic novel is based on a quest, and the protagonist must embark on a journey riddled with challenges to reach his goal. As you write your novel, carefully consider what these challe...
The epic hero is at the heart of the epic poem. The narrative tells of the hero's journey to complete a quest. For example, Odysseus in "The Odyssey" was on a quest to return home after the war, but faced many struggles along the way. While many epic heroes have been kings or oth...
How to Write an Epic PoemContributor
The epic above tells us that thepersonaJohn wants to register for an event. The details of the event and the registration are left open for now. Similarly, the acceptance criteria – captured on the right card – are sketchy too. The details will emerge, as we learn more about the event...
Which is another way of saying that innovation for the sake of innovation is not necessary or advised. Yes, it’s fun and challenging to write books or stories that don’t conform to simple linear narrative. I learned that with the Islevale Cycle, my time travel/epic fantasy series. And...
First, you’ll learn the basics of how the Chinese written language is constructed. Then, you’ll get a step-by-step guide for how to write Chinese characters sensibly and systematically. Wondering how it can be so easy? Then let’s get into it....
The key togetting your readers hookedis to write a great opening sentence that both arouses their curiosity and excites them to read more. Example of an interesting opening onJames Clear’s blog site. You can do this by asking a question (like the opening line of this post) or promising ...
You will be instructed how to write a four-line poem but the basic structure can be repeated at will to create works of epic length.5 The first line of your poem should s 7、tart and end with these words: “In the of my mind.” The middle word of this line is optional. Any ...
Unit 6How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost No EffortRichard Howey 1 So you want to write a poem. Youve had a rotten da
Yes, you! Write. Format. Export for ebook and print. 100% free, always. GoogleFacebook Add depth to your sidekicks Most characters don’t succeed on their own — they need help from others. These friends are as important to the plot as the protagonists and should have a life of their...