(250 words) Prompt 2: Help us get to know you better. Please write five sentences (numbered 1–5) that give us some insight into you, your life, your interests and your experiences. There are no right answers — feel free to be creative and think outside the box. (5 sentences)...
How to write: Methodology and Analysis of Results 如何写论文:研究方法和结果分析 How to Write: Future Work/Conclusions 如何写论文:未来的工作、结论 以下内容翻译自国外一位计算机科学 PhD akajb 的博客 guidetogradschoolsurvival(研究生生存指南) 中的系列文章 How to write(如何写论文)。 How to write:...
While I do stress that your abstract should be as concise as possible, it is possible to go too far. If you're given 150 words, make sure you use at least 100 of them. While you want to give the bare bones, you also want your paper to sound interesting and exciting. The abstract ...
So Chuck is right – the deepest truth, the unavoidable fact is that YOU MUST WRITE. There’s no easy way, no method to skip the work and get the prize, you have to write. To coin another metaphor, you have to go down to the coalface and hack out your story. No argument from ...
invest in the future, grow food and create beauty.“When you ask people to tell you about the one activity they do not for money, not out of necessity, but to indulge their deepest passions and their wildest curiosities,” Stewart writes, “well, you’re in for an intimate conversation....
As Stephen King says, “Putinteresting charactersin difficult situations and write to find out what happens.” One or the other of these approaches will simply feel most natural to you. But, in truth, many of us are hybrids, some combination of the two — needing the security of an outlin...
This doesn’t mean you have to sell out, whatever that means. But you do have to seek the overlap between what you like to write and what actually sells. Commercial considerations don’t end there – not if you are focused on building a career. If you are just a hobbyist, that’s ...
" When students are confident in their positive qualities, it can make it easier to convince admissions officers the value they bring to any given graduate program. 3.Talk to friends and family.Sometimes figuring out how to write about oneself or what elements to highlight can be tough. Rad...
One thing I would change is… My favorite place is… I am the best version of myself when… Something that has changed my perspective is… I am seeking a community that… My favorite family/community/cultural tradition is… I am drawn to Colgate University because…Prompt...
In the past decade people wrote to impress others, rather than to communicate with them. Many business writers used formal language and multi-syllable words that no one ever said out loud (like “notwithstanding” and “heretofore”). Lawyers still speak and write in this manner, called “le...