Functions in mathematics can be compared to the operations of a vending (soda) machine. When you put in a certain amount of money, you can select different types of sodas. Similarly, for functions, we input different numbers and we get new numbers as the result. Domain and range are the ...
1. Domain and Range The set of all inputs (e.g., x-values) is called thedomain. For example, the f(x) = x2can have any number as an x-value, so the domain is (-∞, ∞). Therangeis the set of all outputs (e.g., y-values). See also:How to find the domain and range...
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Income inequality refers to how unevenly income is distributed throughout a population. The less equal the distribution, the greater the income inequality. Income inequality is often accompanied bywealthinequality, which is the uneven distribution of wealth. Populations can be divided up in different w...
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Brings a wider range of perspectives and approaches Nine in ten employees have a positive experience working with and learning from colleagues of different backgrounds and perspectives. Such experiences neutralize groupthink and encourage more people to challenge the status quo, which is great for busine...
"The flip side of gender inequality is this notion that boys and men have been limited in terms of the range of the humanity that they can express," he says. Intellectual exploration in gender studies can help a man realize that he is no less capable of showing compassion for others than...
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