Finally, start to compound your composition according to the outline. Use proper words and mind the tense, voice and so on. Properly using complex sentence and conjunction will make your essay better. 首先,把你要写的在脑海中弄清楚。想象你想要传达什么样的信息,或者想要谈论什么故事或事件。为了...
Many studentscomplain that it is hard to write a composition, because they meet manydifficulties during the writing. Today, I would like to talk about how to writea good composition. 很多学生抱怨写作文很难,因为他们写作过程遇到了很多困难。今天,我想谈谈怎样写好作文。 To begin with,make clear wh...
【英语作文】怎样写好一篇英语作文 How to Write a Good Composition Manystudents complainthatitishardtowriteacomposition,becausetheymeetmany difficultiesduringthewriting 很多学生抱怨写作文很难,因为他们写作过程遇到了很多困难。今天,我想谈谈怎样写好作文。 Tobeginwith, makeclearwhatyoucanwriteinyourmindInorderto...
英语写作—如何写短文 How to write short essays (exposition/argumentation) I. Two types of argument II. How to write exposition: one-sided argumentative essays An exposition or argumentative essay is an essay in which the writer agrees or disagrees with an issue, using reasons to support his or...
英语教学课件How to write a composition 课件.ppt,How to write a composition The trend of NMET (范文展示) 议论文 应用文(说明文) 记叙文 Discussion(小组讨论) Writing structure --- How to write an essay (议论短文) Writing Write a letter to Principal(校长)
1、怎样写好写景散文(How to write essays of scenery)How to write essays of sceneryBay head Experimental School: Sun MinFirst of all, we must pay attention to the observation of the scenery, pay attention to the scenery and other scenery is not the same place, different is its ...
Also, we should proofread the essay before submitting it in its final form. Finally, we need to finalize the draft of the article. Writing a good composition needs time and careful consideration and conception. Therefore, only know well about the process of writing can we write a good ...
Many college students frown on the homework of writing a composition, because they don’t know how to arrange the sentences or what to write down. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: How to Write a Good Essay? You are to write in three parts: In the first ...
Too much homework makes people "difficult to breathe". Sometimes I worry about not knowing how to write a composition, and sometimes I cry. Now I am not a spoiled little girl in the past, but a girl who knows a lot of things; In the past, I didnt have to go to school, and my ...
Actually,to write a good essay requires two steps: read extensively and think actively. 实际上,写一篇好文章需要两个步骤:广泛阅读和积极思考。 First of all,reading extensively enables students to be sensitive with dictions and rhetoric. 首先,广泛阅读能使学生对措辞和修辞保持敏感。