In order to bring the proper clarity and to make the code readable, comments are added to the code. Comments are added by the developer or the programmer of the code to make it understandable for everyone. We also usually use comments in the psql so that the queries and commands are more...
MySQL comments are most often used in conjunction with languages like SQL and PHP where we can insert them into a text file or script using the comment function * / (e.g., /* This is my comment */). They’re typically just as easy to use anywhere else, too. How to write a comme...
Confluence considers Comment on pages and blog posts as content and it holds the metadata of the comments in the CONTENT table and the data itself in the BODYCONTENT table. Solution If you want to retrieve all the comments in your Confluence instance, you can use the following ...
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Chinese_PRC_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation Cannot set column. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column. Cannot solve problem of ambiguous type when trying to create ObjectDataSource Cannot start ...
“Unable to enlist in the transaction” with Oracle linked server from MS SQL Server [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>] in non clustered index [Execute SQL Task] Error: The value type (__ComObject) can only be converted to variables of type Object. [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source nam...
SQL Server Setup Control /FEATURES - Or - /ROLE Required Specifies the components to install. Choose /FEATURES to specify individual SQL Server components to install. For more information, see Feature Parameter below. Choose /ROLE to specify a setup role. Setup roles install SQL Server in a pr...
SOA Data Access: Flexible Data Access With LINQ To SQL And The Entity Framework Geneva Framework: A Better Approach For Building Claims-Based WCF Services Editor's Note: I Am The Business Toolbox: Static Analysis Tools For .NET, Matt Berseth’s Blog CLR Inside Out: Thread Mana...
How much data do we expect to handle? How many requests per second do we expect? What is the expected read to write ratio? Step 2: Create a high level design Outline a high level design with all important components. Sketch the main components and connections ...
The DBA can look at the performance monitor counters and dynamic management views, run SQL Profiler, decide where to place the database, and create indexes to make queries perform better. The application developer usually writes the queries and stored procedures that access the database. The ...
7 rows in set (0.00 sec) Say you have to run this query on a regular basis. This could become tedious to have to write out the query repeatedly, especially when it comes to longer and more complex query statements Also, if you had to make slight tweaks to the query or expand on it...