Another type of Java comment is a Javadoc comment. Javadoc comments differ slightly in syntax from implementation comments and are used by the program javadoc.exe to generate Java HTML documentation. Why Use Java Comments? It's good practice to get into the habit of putting Java comments into ...
Ideally, the Java API Specification comprises all assertions required to do a clean-room implementation of the Java Platform for "write once, run anywhere" -- such that any Java applet or application will run the same on any implementation. This may include assertions in the doc comments plus...
Two forward slashes (//) are used to write single-line comments: // I am a comment.JavaScript will ignore (will not execute) any text between the slashes and the end of the line.See this example which uses a single-line comment before each code line:Example<!DOCTYPE html> Single-...
No matter how Microsoft is doing in comparison with Google, Microsoft Office is still the most used application in software world. Other alternatives like OpenOffice and LiberOffice have failed to take off to challenge MS Office. What this mean to a Java application developer? Because of huge po...
Here are some comments added to the extended Hello World programgreeting.gofromHow To Write Your First Program in Go: greeting.go // This is a doc comment for greeting.go.// - prompt user for name.// - wait for name// - print name.// This is the second paragraph of this doc comm...
The below example uses JDOM to write XML elements, attributes, comments, CDATA to an output stream. packagecom.mkyong.xml.jdom;importorg.jdom2.CDATA;importorg.jdom2.Comment;importorg.jdom2.Document;importorg.jdom2.Element;importorg.jdom2.JDOMException;importorg.jdom2.output....
0 How to build a JPA 2.0 query 10 How to write this query using JPA Criteria query? 0 How to translate a SQL query to a HQL one? 0 Is there a sugar syntax for this HQL query 2 SQL Query Too Complex To Express In JPA Criteria API? 1 How can I make this query work only u...
How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc ToolJava Technical Details Technical ArticleJavadoc Home PageThis document describes the style guide, tag and image conventions we use in documentation comments for Java programs written at Java Software, Oracle. It does not rehash related material covered ...
Java: Simple Way to Write XML (DOM) File in Java This is what I’m doing here: Creating RootXML elementwith name:Companies Creating 4CompanyElement Every Company Element has an attributeid Every Company Element have 3 elements –Name, Type, Employee ...
How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc ToolJava Technical Details Technical ArticleJavadoc Home PageThis document describes the style guide, tag and image conventions we use in documentation comments for Java programs written at Java Software, Oracle. It does not rehash related material covered ...