Below are some of the options & configurations specific to run pyton (.py) file with spark submit. besides these, you can also use most of the options & configs that are covered in the below sections. Note:When you submit a Python file to spark-submit make sure your python file contains...
I've had to do this before. The main idea is to use the xlrd module to open and parse a xls file and write the content to a xlsx file using the openpyxl module. Here's my code. Attention! It cannot handle complex xls files, you should add you own parsing logic if you are going...
Adding a feature if a file does not exist will create the elements required by the feature and write them to the file.Creating the mconfig.xml filemconfig can use a configuration file named mconfig.xml found in the current directory. This file is read as the third one in the sequence ...
Recently I posted about “how did I get started with pyvmomi?”. I continued exploring this further and I thought to share my learning so far. After setting up the pyvmomi environment, first thing I wanted to learn was to get hold of all core vCenter inventory objects so tha...