0 Verilog Case Block Concatenation Syntax 1 Parameterizing an incomplete case statement in Verilog 9 case statement with multiple cases doing same operation 0 How do I fix Syntax error near "=" in casez statement? 1 Case statement doesn't seem to be working Hot Network Questions Are m...
How to write a testbench in Verilog? Verifying complex digital systems after implementing the hardware is not a wise choice. It is ineffective in terms of time, money, and resources. Hence, it is essential to verify any design before finalizing it. Luckily, in the case of FPGA and Verilog...
When using VHDL to design digital circuits, we normally also create a testbench to stimulate the code and ensure that the functionality is correct. We can write testbenches using a variety of languages, withVHDL,VerilogandSystem Verilogbeing the most popular. System Verilog is widely adopted in...
VeriStatement *new_node = veri_file::AnalyzeStatement("A2:cover property (test2 == 1'b1) ;", veri_file::SYSTEM_VERILOG, dummy_lf /*could be 0, may use node.Linefile()*/, scope) ; if (new_node) { // Something went wrong st = node.AddStatement(new_...
I was trying to write a verilog code for a memory module which has has a bidirectional inout port for the data. But I also want to output high impedance during write or if MEM_OE(output enable) is not set. But my code as below cannot simulate the reading...
I'm working on a simple sign-extender in Verilog for a processor I'm creating for Computer Architecture. Here's what I've got so far: [EDIT: Changed the selection statement slightly] `timescale 1ns / 1ps module SignExtender( CLK, extend, extended ); input[7:0] extend; input CLK; ...
This project implements a small stack computer tailored to executing Forth based on theJ1CPU. The processor has been rewritten inVHDLfromVerilog, and extended slightly. The goals of the project are as follows: Create a working version ofJ1processor (called the H2). ...
VeriStatement *new_node = veri_file::AnalyzeStatement(((rtl_code)?rtl_code:new_assert), veri_file::SYSTEM_VERILOG, 0 /*may use assert.Linefile()*/, parent_scope) ; Strings::free(rtl_code) ; if (!new_node) return 0 ; // Something went wrong ...
To illustrate how SystemVeriloguniqueaffects simulation ofcasestatements, let’s look at a wildcardcasezstatement: always @(irq) begin {int2, int1, int0} = 3'b000; unique casez (irq) 3'b1?? : int2 = 1'b1; 3'b?1? : int1 = 1'b1; ...
Instead of using VHDL or Verilog to configure these logic primitives, CLB is programmed with a GUI-based SysConfig tool and function calls. Since the configuration method is different, the CLB is technically not a CPLD or FPGA, but it can be used to achieve identical results. The CLB holds...