内容简介· ··· This book takes the reader carefully through each stage of essay writing from interpretation of the question, to the research, planning, writing, and revision. The book shows how to improve not just study skills like note-taking, reading, organization, and writing, but thinki...
Not only can Grammarly help you with spelling and grammar, but it can also help make your writing clear and concise, enhance your vocabulary, and ensure your message is delivered exactly the way you intend. >> READ MORE: How to Write Better with Grammarly With these tips in mind, writing...
BetterYourWriting 你是李明,你班在班会课上就如何改善地球环境进行了讨论,大家一致认为改善地球环境要从身边小事做起,积少成多。具体要点如下:1、离开教室前要关闭电源;2、使用可反复利用的购物袋;3、尽量骑自行车或步行上学、上班;离得远的可以做公交车;4、提出一至两点你的个人建议。注意:字数在60~80词...
However, even better would be to rethink whether we need this second sentence at all. The author wants to say that he used Hemingway Editor to identify complex sentences so that he could improve them. I don’t think we need to specify that the way he did this was by making them “shor...
How to Write Better No book can provide an easy formula a person can follow to become a good writer. Good writing is difficult; it is a labor of love. Most good writers say writing is the hardest thing they do. Some good writers hate to write because it is so difficult. Fortunately,...
How to Write Better 2003-04-08 10:17 本文支持点词翻译 Powered by 沪江小DNo book can provide an easy formula a person can follow to become a good writer. Good writing is difficult; it is a labor of love. Most good writers say writing is the hardest thing they do. Some good writers...
If you want to write better essays, you will need to understand the criteria teachers use to score them. 1 Develop your thesis A thesis is the essence of your paper—the claim you are making, the point you are trying to prove. All the other paragraphs in your essay will revolve around...
Finally, learning how to write well has a lot to do with knowing how to edit. No first draft will be (or should be) ready to publish. Unless you are the world’s most efficient wordsmith, there will be things like grammatical errors, inconsistencies, inefficient turns of phrase, and pass...
Finally, learning how to write well has a lot to do with knowing how to edit. No first draft will be (or should be) ready to publish. Unless you are the world’s most efficient wordsmith, there will be things like grammatical errors, inconsistencies, inefficient turns of phrase, and pass...
HowtoWriteBetter How to Write Better No book can provide an easy formula a person can follow to become a good writer. Good writing is difficult; it is a labor of love. Most good writers say writing is the hardest thing they do. Some good writers hate to write because it is so difficu...