To avoid suchdesk rejections, you need to make sure you pique the reader’s interest and help them understand the contribution of your work to the specific field you study, the more general research community, or the public. Introducing the study background is crucial to setting the scene for...
What is the best way of stating the background of a study? How to write an engaging background of the study for your research paper[Course] As the background of the study is closely related to therationale or justificationof the study, you may also refer to the following resource...
More and more people move from the countryside to big cities. Does this development bring more advantages or disadvantages to the environment? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. Task 2 利弊比较题 城市化...
Let’s have a look at what information we need to put in our introduction. Now for many academic essays there are three parts to the introduction: the hook, a background statement and a thesis statement. We use the hook in many essays but …. do we use the hook for IELTS essays? T...
Pair work. Do the following task in pairs. How do you greet people when you meet them. Do you seek their hands? Do you kiss their face? How will people greet you if you travel to different country. Here are some of the ways that people create each other. Write the fizzle and its ...
The Introduction section sets the context for your research work, explains the research problem, and indicates the purpose behind the study.
academic staff at an English speaking university. From teachers' point of view, the study attempts to explain how to develop different kinds of skills to enable international students from EFL (English as a Foreign Language) backgrounds to apply the academic writing theories to their written ...
The natural world has brought me so much peace and joy that I cannot help wanting to give back to it. That being said, I would love to study Environmental Science at Rensselaer. RPI’s commitment to making strides in environmental science truly resonates with me. Having lived my whole ...
The first paragraphof your personal statement, one or two sentences, should make clear the purpose of your writing: to present an interpretive summary of your background, academic interests, and future goals as justification for your admission to a program of graduate study. The second paragraphin...
Instructions on how to write an argumentative essay, including how to craft an enticing introduction, write a thesis statement, and outline your essay.