First you play the role of li yang fang and then the role of Susan you partner Mike has and Kim sun you are at the airport to meet you visitor you know each other so great you visit first talk with him and then take him to the hotel. Pledged to meet you representative someone answ...
Write down what you will go through, from waking up to acing the test. Game out potential pitfalls, like a late start or distracting environment. To make this rehearsal more vivid than your fears and negative associations, ground the story in real, visceral details: the taste of breakfast,...
The advice in here is particularly relevant to multiple-choice questions on my own exams, but certain aspects of it should be helpful for answering multiple-choice questions on any law-school exam or the bar exam. My aim will be to give you some helpful strategies, identify pitfalls for you...
especially if you haven’t written the exam before. Remember that you can’t defeat a war if you do not know who you are fighting. So, it is necessary for me to also teach you every thing a WAEC candidate must know before taking the examination. ...
How to Write? Visit to explore simple tips on how to improve writing. Also, explore four different types of writing styles that are commonly adopted by writers.
This also means that law schools see when you have a pending LSAT exam. If admissions officers look at your file and see you have signed up for a future test date or are awaiting the results of a recent test, they will wait until receiving that score to consider your applic...
Analysisisyourinterpretationoftheruleoflawasappliestothefactsofthecase.Thisisthemostimportantpartofyourmemo.Example:Mirandasaysthatwhenapoliceofficerdoesnotgiveproperwarnings,theevidenceisnotadmissibleincourt.Here,thepoliceofficerdidnotgiveadequatewarnings.Conclusion TheConclusionisyourresultofanalyzingthelawandthefacts...
Take most of us for example, the entrance exam to college seems to be a horrible monster. Accordingly, some people give up, some persist. In my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, try and exert your strength, and then we will overcome...
Here’s a watered-down example (keep in mind that the scenario on your exam will be more involved): John wants to buy a pet. He is choosing between a cat and a dog. He only has time to care for one pet. Write an essay in which you argue for the purchase of one type of pet ...
So if you plan to rely on the January LSAT and intend to start law school in the fall of that year, make sure to check the application deadlines of the schools you’re interested in. February LSAT The February exam is another great option for students wanting to get the LSAT out of ...