APA出版的这本《how to write a lot -- a practical guide to productive academic writing》是我读过对我帮助最大的学术写作指导书。 一来是因为它本来就是针对APA journal的,二来也是在合适的时间有准备的情况下读到。 ──以前也读过各种经典的关于写作的书和文章,收获不大其实不仅是因为书不好,也是因为...
This handout will help you to write results in APA style. These heuristics will help you succeed in class and can be used for your thesis or other classes where you need to use APA style formatting. For results sections you’ll generally need to describe how you tested your hypotheses and...
APA出版的这本《how to write a lot -- a practical guide to productive academic writing》是我读过对我帮助最大的学术写作指导书。 一来是因为它本来就是针对APA journal的,二来也是在合适的时间有准备的情况下读到。 ──以前也读过各种经典的关于写作的书和文章,收获不大其实不仅是因为书不好,也是因为...
In this "quick start" guide, we show you how to carry out a mixed ANOVA with post hoc tests using SPSS Statistics, as well as the steps you will need to go through to interpret the results from this test. However, before we introduce you to this procedure, you need to understand the...
After Excel creates the output, I autofit the width of column A to display all of the text in it. Interpreting the One-Way ANOVA Results The Summary table indicates that the mean strengths range from a low of 8.837952 for supplier 4 to a high of 11.20252 for supplier 1. Our sample mea...
In this "quick start" guide, we show you how to carry out a two-way repeated measures ANOVA with post hoc tests using SPSS Statistics, as well as the steps you will need to go through to interpret the results from this test. However, before we introduce you to this procedure, you ...
Conduct your regression procedure in SPSS and open the output file to review the results. The output file will appear on your screen, usually with the file name "Output 1." Print this file and highlight important sections and make handwritten notes as you review the results. ...
Cite the main / important packages in the manuscript This should be done for the packages that were central to your specific analysis (i.e., that got you the results that you reported) rather than data manipulation tools (even though these are as much important). For example: Statistics ...
Plan the test administration and scoring. Write out who will administer the test, how long the test taker will have to complete the test, and the scoring procedures. This involves figuring out the weight of each test question or section and and how many points will be assigned to each. Als...
(by 10%) in comparison to the control plants. Results show that soluble sugars were accumulated to maintain the osmotic status of the maize plant under drought stress. The level and metabolism of sucrose, an osmo-protectant, were increased in plants treated with Com (by 30%), which was ...