This article briefly looks at the reasons for, and mechanics of, writing case reports and case series for publication. The authors argue for the importance of this narrative form of medical knowledge in the development of clinical reasoning skills....
> 我来写笔记 > How To Write & Publish a Scientific Paper 作者: Robert A. Day 副标题: 5th Edition isbn: 1573561657 书名: How To Write & Publish a Scientific Paper 页数: 296 定价: USD 30.95 出版社: Oryx Press 装帧: Paperback 出版年: 1998-06-18...
如何写和发表一篇好的论文(How to write and publish good scientific papers).ppt,Authors must disclose all sources of funding for their research and its publication. Authors must disclose relevant competing interests (both financial and personal) Credit f
《How to write and publish a SCI paper》.ppt Why publish? Eighteen steps in writing a SCI paper Guidelines for writing each of 11 sections Language hints for scientific English Mistakes and misconducts Selecting the right journal What to do after manuscript is returned? If you do not publish...
How to write and publish a scientific paper[1]Howtowriteandpublishascientificpaper?,October2010 “Thepreparationofascientificpaperhaslesstodowithliteraryskillthanwithorganisation.Ascientificpaperisnotliterature.”–R.A.Day“Writingiseasy.Allyoudoisstareatablanksheetofpaperuntildrops...
Lecture 12. How to write & publish a scientific paper 博士科技英语写作 ScientificEnglishWritingforPhDGraduateStudents 西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院 CollegeofWaterResourcesandArchitecturalEngineeringNorthwestA&FUniversity 何建强2011 1.WhatisaScientificPaper 1.1Whatisscientificwriting? Theresearchscientistmust...
Book: 'How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper: 5th Edition'Robert A. Day Publisher: Oryx ...
How to write and publish a SCI paper HowtowriteandpublishaSCIpaper ShaobingPeng InternationalRiceResearchInstitute PresentationatHunanAgriculturalUniversity,Changsha,Hunan,7June2006 芙蓉学者系列讲座 解读SCI及其影响因子 SCI论文写作与发表技巧大田研究也需要黄金标准 Outline Whypublish?EighteenstepsinwritingaSCIpaper...
科技论文写作 how to write a scientific research article for an academic journal
How to write a popular scientific articleHaldane, JbsHaldane, J.B.S. (1985) `How to Write a Popular Scientific Article', in J. M. Smith (ed.) On Being the Right Size and Other Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press.