In the English language, there are two main kinds of sonnets: the “English” (or “Shakespearean”) sonnet and the “Spenserian” sonnet, named after the poetEdmund Spenser. In this lesson, you will learn how to write an English sonnet because this is the most common type of sonnet. The...
For my Mother’s Day example, I've decided to write an English sonnet. And my first quatrain should work from the following raw material, remember? My rug goes with me everywhere – wherever I go, I take it. It makes me feel good to look at it with its red, brown and white rose...
In this lesson, you will learn how to write one of the most well-known forms of poetry: the sonnet. Made popular by William Shakespeare, the sonnet has a very specific structure of rhyme and rhythm that must be followed. Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of this type of poetry....
Like Shakespeare you can also trot them out. Try it. If your friend also wants to write a sonnet you can practice talking to each other in iambic pentameter. It comes easily. ‘I wonder what my friends will think of this?’‘If I were you I’d watch out what I say.’‘He never ...
How to Write a SonnetContributor
Related to this Question How to punctuate a sonnet. How to write an English sonnet. How to write a Shakespearean sonnet. Explain Shakespeare's Sonnet 18. Give an analysis of Sonnet 18. How to write an Elizabethan sonnet. How to write a Spenserian sonnet ...
For example, suppose you decided to write an antonym diamante about England and America. Image byFree-PhotosfromPixabay You start with the word America or England, add some related words, and then you get to the middle of the diamante. What four nouns could describe both? Well.English, for...
As an English teacher, I'm sometimes asked about advice on how to write poems about nature. Here is what I share with my students.Get Inspired Spend some time in nature. Go for a walk in the countryside and observe carefully what you see, hear, smell and feel. Bring a small notebook...
Though they’ve been around for less time than the Shakespearean sonnet, limericks are a popular form of poetry for different audiences. Though not the first to write or recite them, English poet Edward Lear was famous for popularizing limericks in the nineteenth century. In 1846, he published...
How to Write a Haiku How to Write an Ode How to Write a Pantoum How to Write a Rondeau How to Write a Sestina How to Write a Sonnet How to Write a Villanelle 5 FREE POETRY PROMPTS Get 5 FREEinbox poetry promptsfrom the popular bookHow to Write a Poem ...