When you write your bio, you are NOT writing your autobiography. You are writing a music business document. Your bio then is written FOR the music business contacts you want to impress, deal with, and create lasting relationships with. (because you are into this for the long haul, aren't...
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to write a bio for a freelance business website, portfolio, or an employer’s website. I’ll share some helpful professional bio templates and bio examples that’ll make the process even easier. Plus, I’ll quickly discuss what to do when using your ...
“Among scientists are collectors, classifiers, and compulsivetidiers-up;many are detectives by temperament and many are explorers; some are artists and others artisans.” I’m basically an explorer. Even if exploration ...
Schrödinger writes about an aperiodic crystal in which we can recognize the DNA that carries heredity, a role that was not yet known then. At about the same time, Oswald T. Avery and his two associates published experimental evidence that DNA, hitherto thought to be dull, was the carrier...
Before you can write an invocation, you have to know the plot, characters, setting and other key components. An epic poem follows the quest of an extraordinary hero who faces grave trials and gruesome foes. Brainstorm those characteristics of your epic hero that deserve admonishment. Create a ...
tographer.Youmustkeepitspecificallyrelevanttotheworkdisplayed.YourArtistBiowillbedisplayed inadifferentsectionofthebook,butyourArtistStatementimmediatelyprecedesyourphotoseries. Audience,occasionorsituation: “Whatpromptedyoutowritethisstatement?Isthisafifty-wordstatementforthefoundationshow,a ...
* Not all artists can write well. If you're in that category, think seriously about hiring a professional writer or editor to write for you, preferably one with an art background, to help you say what you want your statement to convey in language that ordinary everyday people can understa...
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to write a bio for a freelance business website, portfolio, or an employer’s website. I’ll share some helpful professional bio templates and bio examples that’ll make the process even easier. Plus, I’ll quickly discuss what to do when using your...
ChatGPT Music Prompt 5:Write an 8-chord progression in [key signature]. Result (✅/❌):The results here are technically in F minor, but there are a few problems The final chord resolves to the tonic prematurely. Normally the return to the tonic would happen after the completion of the...
“I help artists and creatives monetize their passions through social media and digital marketing.” Depending on your platform, you can copy/paste this UVP at the top of your profile or in the introduction described below. Remember, it helps to stick to the idea that you are selling yourself...