An Easy Way to Write a Personal Manifesto When you write your personal manifesto there are three core questions you can answer: What you want Who do you want to become How you want to live One of the easiest ways to write a personal manifesto is to describe your ideal day. It answers ...
Let’s pretend that I write a useful article about how to quickly find the phone numbers of nearby animal shelters and kennels. In this case, I would label all of the keywords I target in that article with something like “kennel phone numbers” in my Moz Pro campaign rankings tool. ...
In other words, you’re already equipped with all of the information you need to write an About Us page that will increase conversions and elevate your brand. I’m here to tell you how to make the most out of all of that information: 1. Tell a story. In one study from Stanford, ...
UX prototypes are like wireframes brought to life. They are clickable, interactive digital mockups. We don’t have to write code; we have software that helps us create these quickly. Companies looking for more realistic prototypes use Axure since it has conditional logic, variables, mobile swiping...
One of the main purposes of the async/await pattern is to allow you to write asynchronous code as if it were straight-line, synchronous code, and this might give you the impression that deep down this feature is just a compiler pass that is dividing a function into multiple components. ...
In TDD, developers begin developing small test cases for each feature based on their initial comprehension. The purpose of this strategy is to only modify or write new code if the tests fail. This eliminates duplicate test scripts. TDD can be visualised by means of the Red-Green-Refactor Cycl...
At this stage of the description-crafting game, I take one of two routes. The first approach is to keep the basic tasks short and string them together — for example, “ideation, information architecture, wireframing, prototyping and testing” or, for a lead position, “setting direction, ide...
Hitler's idea of Nazi germany started in 1923 when he made a failed attempt to seize power in munich, he was arrested and sent to prison. While in prison he wrote his Manifesto “Mein Kampf” ( My Struggle), this would become the basic book of Nazi goals and Ideology. Hitler and the...
In one instance, for example, a student noted her surprise that another group in her cohort was granted a locker to store their project materials while hers was not. She writes, “I was surprised that they had a locker, since he is in the same class as me and we do not have one....
Before you know how to write, you need to know how to read. How to Read a Paper - Outlines a practical and efficient three-pass method for reading research papers. Documentation The various forms of technical writing, their structure and target audience. What nobody tells you about documentat...