If you're planning to take theAP Language (or AP Lang) exam, you might already know that 55% of your overall exam score will be based on three essays. The first of the three essays you'll have to write on the AP Language exam is called the "synthesis essay." If you want to earn...
Thesis Answer: Watching violent images has led to an increase in kids acting out violently. Now that you have your thesis question and answer, you are ready to write your topic sentences. These topic sentences are the main reasons someone should believe your thesis statement. 3. Make a List...
Finding evidence in the text Once you have selected the tone word that is appropriate for your essay, select 2 quotes from the text that help to show how the author is establishing the tone by using descriptive details. Share your quotes and explain to the class....
Assuming that the “no” vote prevails in the Scottish independence referendum, the next question for the United Kingdom is to consider constitutional reform to implement a quasi-federal system and resolve the West Lothian question once and for all. In some ways, it may also provide an ...
HOW TO EXAMINE THE(SELF-)REFLECTIVEEFFECTS OFHISTORYTEACHING289Decisions of controversies in history are not so easy; there are no suffi-cient arguments for 476 or 1453.Since we weren’t there and nobody is an eye-witness of 476 or 1453, wecannot know when the Roman Empire fell.A “Roman...
Patrick Silva AP Lit Period 4 Mr. Schmitz October 11‚ 2012HowIMetMyHusbandThesis Paper The theme of Alice Munro’s story “HowImetmyHusband” is Social expectations mold individual circumstances. Edie‚ a fifteen year old housemaid in the lower class of society has qualities and talents th...
The model GENOME takes its ideas from artificial evolution abnd genertic algorithms.it offers analysis and design processes of the evolution in the two ocmponents of an object mdoel: classes and instances.It considers that an instance can evolve without being ocnstricted by class sepcificaitons....
Two JTAG interfaces allow this FPGA to write and read back the configuration bitstreams of the two Virtex-4 devices. To store the large amount of image data, we designed a memory board based on an array of NAND flash devic- es with a total capacity of 4 Tbits. To ad- dress this ...
In English I ask my students to write a lot. I don’t grade everything they write, but when it comes to the “big essays”—the graded, polished drafts—what grade they will receive becomes the sole motivator for their writing. This frustrates me, and, in my opinion, distracts them ...
I'm the only one in the class. I think it rounds out to about 17 bucks an hour. Super flexible, obviously, and they go, what do you want to learn? And I go, here's what I'm going to be doing. I don't want to learn how to write, cause I don't even write things by ...